
Friday 13 May 2011

Much Ado About Nothing!!!!

I am a person of infinite leisure.I watch the world go by and do nothing about it. Till a couple of years back,I had this crushing desire to be one of the immortal ones. I too wished to leave footprints on the sands of time. But apart from a college degree, a very successful marriage and bringing up two wonderful girls, I cannot think of any achievement which can be recorded for posterity.I have a couple of fetishes. I keep a spotlessly clean home, I am not a gourmet cook ,neither am I a good eater but I can whip up a complete meal in a jiffy! Much as I cannot sing(unless I croon after a couple of beers ),I like to listen to music.I love plants & my pets & the only singing I have done is to them. They have taken to it most kindly since they are blooming in all their glory!!I love reading & books are my best friends

This inactive lifestyle for questions like how do you pass your time. I do not do anything nor do I feel guilty about it! Most people are doing things not because they want to but because they have to. I am doing nothing because I chose not to. But I have managed my time very well.All my work is carried out with clockwork precision. This habitual ritual & routine encompasses my day & I also indulge in favourite pastime I do armchair travels(oh & do I get tired & weary like all travellers!!),write a novel..yet it all seems in third person.I seem to be having no problems with my life. it is my life after all!!I am quite happy ...thank you!!. If you think there is a problem, it is your view - not mine!!!!                          

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