
Thursday 19 May 2011

Come on over!!

Just the other day a host of sunbirds descended upon my pink Ipomeas for a honey fest!! The shining blue-black feathers & their shrill cries made me drag my entire family to view these pretty things. just then a thought struck me , how strange it is , this desire to share a pleasing sight, sound or experience.

The need to share pleasure is inherent in all of us. The baby who points & says ga-ga is calling out to its parent to enjoy what he found intriguing. Similarly a toddler when he cries "look mummy"is trying to include her in the miracle of his discovery. All too often we vaguely reply "yes Darling"without stopping to enjoy his delight! We enjoy laughter more when we share it with someone. Could you imagine watching a comedy with no one to laugh with?

Come to dinner,tea, drinks. Eating is an enjoyment to be shared. When we eat alone we always manage a quick snack or a mug of coffee perched just anywhere. But with just one other person in the house, the table is laid, even the simplest meal is properly prepared & surprise surprise , we enjoy the food more! Perhaps the pleasure of sharing our meal is not fully appreciated till we find ourselves alone . Sharing of the family mealtime is more important than a rigid bedtime.

We often hear our friends say ,"You must come & see our roses, the winter annuals....".This is not with a sense of superiority, but a true sense of pleasure in sharing of those few minutes of communal appreciation! In my family home in Jamshedpur May thru July was a festival of colours, Gulmohars,  Jacarandas, Cassias, Amaltas......the stunning annual parade was a sight to behold & No 6 Loyola area was  "the place" for chai, nimbu pani & panna ( we didnt call people over for drinks in those days!!!!).

We share constantly with those we love, & when our loved ones leave us it is those little moments, we miss the most! When my Grandfather died , I mourned most.His sense of  humour, how he always saw the funny side of life & it was a long time before I stopped making mental notes to show him, to tell hie & to share with him. This moment of sharing is always taken for granted, the importance of it for our mental stability is overlooked.

We all know at least one person, who lives alone, with little oppurtunities, to share small pleasures. Perhaps we might try to find a common sharing ground for those alone people, the benefits from being able to say "Come & Look".

1 comment:

  1. Seems!!!!!!!!!!! YOU DID IT!!!!!!!!!
    I am sooo proud of you! See howmuch you have to share and how beautifully you do it! Thankyou for hgaving me over!!!! xx
